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Old 04-16-2003, 12:17 PM
bookie29 bookie29 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: In Exile. Waiting On My Book.
Posts: 72
Default Peacekeeper-Great Choice!!

I like Peacekeeper. It is one of Lindsey's more accesable songs that should appeal to the general public. I guess that I mean it is not as "quirky" or "envelope pushing" as some of the other songs.

The vocals are great. It really showcases both Lindsey and Stevie.

The song has definitly been hurt by the lack of a video. FM doesn't get much (if any) play on top 40 radio so they need videos that VH-1 could be playing.

The next single should be Thrown Down or SYW. TD has great vocals by Stevie and SYW has a great beat. Also, Video! Video!! Video!!!

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