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Old 03-12-2010, 02:42 AM
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Zombie Zombie is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: The Glass Walls of Limbo
Posts: 1,622

Went to the pool hall earlier tonight, and you know how jukeboxes tend to randomly play music when no one is feeding it quarters, trying to remind you it's there?

Well, the jukebox randomly played "Songbird" (!) about 20 minutes after we showed up.

Clearly, it could see the Rumours-era t-shirt I was wearing and wanted to hang out with me, and that was its clever way of getting my attention.

Too bad I was out of quarters, but I give it an E for Effort.
Malanderer, Badlander and Thief, Est. 1982

All the same, baby. All the same.

"You never know what I'll do. I've resequenced my show. I'm a master at sequencing. I'm the one who sequenced for Fleetwood Mac. I sequenced 'Rumours.' Everyone loves my sequences. They're fun.''
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