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Old 12-17-2009, 09:26 AM
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Gypsy-Rhiannon Gypsy-Rhiannon is offline
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Originally Posted by StreetAngel86 View Post

this is the best aussie review i've read

did you actually HEAR lindsey singing on SB?
u know how much he must love that song
that's his staple guitarbation song

re the security...are they f#*king serious?
does the Mac tell them to crack down on photography?
coz i SERIOUSLY doubt it...what was the deal in Europe?

it seems the photography "laws" were pretty lax in the US too
and just my observations but it appears to me lindsey plays up more when there are cameras there...put on a better performance, daddy's being immortalized on the Ledge in pic form kinda thing. and Stevie...well she just has that no flash thing right?
if they REALLY had a problem with it dont u think THEY would just say...hey guys, no pics tonight or something
i think people would be more respectful of that than having orders come from security @ssholes no?

i just dont believe it's a MAC based order?
We were told by Mac security that photos were ok.. but no flash and no video
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