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Old 11-21-2009, 12:01 PM
absinthe_boy absinthe_boy is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 36

Originally Posted by Wouter Vuijk View Post
Something wrong with me
I couldn't find the answers to "What happened with The Splinter group?"
However, I did like the interview.
He says that he was 'stuck out the front' as the leader of the band, but he felt like it was more for 'novelty value' than any artistic reasons. He doesn't like the idea that he's better or more worthy than any other band member.

This goes right back to the beginning of the SG. In the Hard Road documentary that aired on BBC2 back in 1995 he stated that he just wanted to 'play guiter, like one of the boys. I want to be one of the boys in the band'. He either doesn't buy into or is very uncomfortable with the whole "Peter Green, superstar great guitarist" concept.

Which is why the SG worked for a while, when Nigel seemed to be gently coaxing Peter to perform within a friendly little band....and why PG and Friends is working now.
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