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Old 10-14-2009, 03:19 AM
Nikolaj Nikolaj is offline
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Ahh, thanks, Michele, I understand what you meant, now. Accept my apology, please, I was a tad ( + or -) snarky there, I'm sorry.
I wonder if there's any merit in the theory I touched on in the prior message that SN knows that LB can out-perform her on stage, now, and it makes her feel a bit inadequate. She's wonderful. But she's so limited now, in what she's willing to attempt. LB seems fearless, in comparison.
LB has the innate ability to play guitar brilliantly and, imo, has become the 'better' performer of the two, on the last 2 tours. I like SN more, but I recognize LB works a zillion times harder and displays more talent than SN is willing to even attempt to display now. I prefer her voice to his, but he's improving and she's coasting. His 'NGBA' at the Mohegan Sun this year was wonderfully sung, and mostly I haven't liked LB's voice live, until recently.
During 'The Mirage Tour', the first time I saw the band live, as good as LB was, he just couldn't touch SN in terms of vocal power, presence, and overall 'star quality', with all the good and bad the term implies. In '82, he sang hard on 'The Chain' - she sang back harder, and 10 times better, --again, imo. She stole the show with SOTM -- her backup vocals on GYOW, again, in my opinion, wiped him off the stage. She can't, or won't, do that now. So many reviews note how 'noble' it is she "lets" Lindsey have the spotlight now, I think she's afraid to exert herself for fear her talent is not what it once was. I believe LB believes his talent is what it always was.
It may just be her own disappointment in herself stagnating and LB being willing to still create- and perform- new music that caused pangs between them, on the SYW tour. They made a ton of money, the tour had four 'legs', 2 in the US, then 1 Euro tour, then another US leg-- and they're doing it again right now, so how bad could it have been for her? Maybe she feels the '70s eras conflicts have been so played out for so long that she embellishes whatever drama there was on the 'SYW' tour of '03. They all must know, secretly, how lucky they are to be earning the zillions of dollars they're earning with this rehash tour. No 'real drama' there, I don't think. Just making the best of their earning possibilities, and if SN can't do what she once did on the rock and roll stage, LB seems to be able, so why not?

Last edited by Nikolaj; 10-14-2009 at 03:22 AM..
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