Thread: Mac Dreams
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Old 09-21-2009, 12:58 AM
iamnotafraid iamnotafraid is offline
Addicted Ledgie
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 4,850

I like reading about you alls "Mac" dreams.

I've had many. One of the weirdest was from this
past year. Though I've forgot many of the details.
I was walking up to our dairy, around the back where
we had the lots where the cows would wait to be
milked. On the side of this lot was a pen that we
would keep the baby calves in (for a short time before
we had to separate them from their mothers for good).
So I'm walking around this pen and I see Stevie and
Lindsey inside, which didn't seem so weird in the dream.
But what I remember about Lindsey is that he was very
sick. I remember seeing his yellowed teeth. I was very
worried about him. Then I woke up, but still had that
worried feeling.

Interpretations? (Besides I'm crazy)
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