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Old 09-20-2009, 02:22 PM
Ghost_Tracker Ghost_Tracker is offline
Addicted Ledgie
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Originally Posted by ILoveFM View Post
I have a beautiful cat and her name is Jewel. She's 7. All black. She's my baby, I'm her momma.

But she has major issues. She will just eat and eat and puking ususally follows (this started recently). She sleeps in the weirdest places (the bathtub, dryer, in my closet, on my tummy, etc...). She obsessivly cleans herself for hours. Sleeps. Wakes back up and starts cleaning all over again. She's jealous of anybody I give any attention to other than her. She hates my mom's boyfriend. She has issues hahaha.
JTIS because her weirdness reached an all time high today. And she's on my tummy right now cleaning herself. She won't move, I've tried moving her. Aahhhhhh!!

Funny. But I wonder if maybe Her Highness has "indulgences," rather than "issues?" I'd suggest asking her but she might get
pissy about it and then have even more indulgences for the rest of the day. . . . . .
So if the ghosts are gone then doesn't that mean I'm kinda screwed??
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