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Old 06-25-2009, 09:01 PM
LukeA LukeA is offline
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Originally Posted by MacMan View Post
So what I take from this Grand Forks situation is the Venue agreed to pay the Promoter a certain amount for the show, based on what the Promoter needs to cover the band guarantee. The venue obviously didn't make enough to cover the agreed upon price - and didn't pay the promoter the full amount. The promoter still had to pay the band it's full guarantee for the show - leaving the promoter on the hook for the balance. To get Neil Diamond to their venue, it sounds like they had to pay the promoter more then the usual going price for the show just to get him... that extra money paid was because of the Fleetwood Mac situation.
Yes- although, just to include, the venue co-promoted the show with the city of Grand Forks. Which, of course, is what made it such a cluster... municipalities, generally speaking, are clueless when it comes to concert promoting- specifically the concepts of relationships and ethics.
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