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Old 04-29-2009, 06:49 AM
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Originally Posted by michelej1 View Post

Sounds like the show far surpassed your expectations. Watch, when we get the media reviews, they'll be saying that Stevie was asleep, etc. Sometimes I think these critics are doing the Emperor Has No Clothes in reverse: The king is there in all his regalia, robes and crown, but they declare he's stark naked, just to be chic.

Any exchanges stand out for you? What was your favorite?


Ha! Right on, Michele about the reviews. Hopefully, that won't be the case here. If so, I will think they weren't paying attention!

The SnL interaction - just small little glances and grins here and there and especially from the beginning of the show. Stevie was all smiles tonights and seemed to really be putting more energy into her performance. I thought it was hilarious when she pointed at Lindsey when she was pointedly mentioned "our bed" and then declared "Gypsy" was about going back to the "Gypsy that WE were." Cute. Lindsey seemed to mouth the words to a lot of the songs too. On "Gyspy" he almost seemed to get a sad expression - and Stevie changed it up a bit - it's on youtube. Great song. Oh, I remember being surprised when LB looked and pointed at her during MM, right off the bat. He sang the "Monday morning you look so fine" line to her and she gave one of those "you're silly" grins to him. "Landslide" was cute, Stevie put her hands over her eyes to look at him and he did it back to her, making all kinds of funny motions and movements making her laugh and she did the the hands over the eyes thing again. Just cute. I'll write a full review later.

Oh, one thing I noticed - Lindsey was getting drawn out ovations and at one point - I'll remember what song when I look at the set list - but it was early on - John seemed to be pretty miffed about the grandstanding - he and Stevie were looking at each other and John made a motion with his hand towards her like - 'WTH'?

I was in the center section - 6th row - and I swear I think Betty Witherspoon was in front of me. If not, it was someone Stevie knew I would put money on it...
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