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Old 03-02-2009, 10:52 PM
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Originally Posted by TheScoop View Post
I honestly couldn't care less that you feel I need to have thousands of posts on here to justify my own opinions or to feel worthy enough to share my feelings about the performance I saw last night. I have been a Stevie/Mac fan for over 25 years and I have seen every single tour (including solo tours) up until this point. I have been to pretty much every opening night show as well and yes, I have seen Stevie nervous during those performances. However, this was a completely different story. She was simply unprofessional last night and could not even muster 10% of the energy level that the rest of the band put forth. She forgot the words to most of the songs (including Rhiannon & Dreams which she has now performed 1000s of times in her career). She kept playing with her ear pieces the whole night and kept talking to the guys handling the sound. This was of course not the first time I have seen her do such things over the years. But not to this extent. At one point Lindsey was about to start singing one of his songs (can't remember which one right now) and she was still mouthing something to someone toward the side of the stage. Sorry, but that is unprofessional. It was a distraction and quite annoying, I must say. Weak vocals throughout (with the exception of certain parts of "Sara", "Storms", and the very ending of "Silver Springs" when she shouted "never get away, never get away, never get away"). The rest of her performance however was a mess. Again, she didn't seem nervous at all. If anything, she seemed quite relaxed. Maybe she was heavily medicated, who knows. But if it's an opening night show in a semi-major market, you better bring your "A" game, and she sure didn't. She didn't dance, she hardly played the tambourine, she forgot the words to almost every song, she constantly missed her cues, her eyes were shut for more than half of each song, she kept mouthing stuff to the sound guys, she kept playing with her ear pieces, and yet still managed to smile throughout. How precious.

Anyway, I don't want this to come across as if I'm picking on Stevie because of her age. I am not at all. If she's having a problem moving around on stage, I would have no problem with her standing at the microphone the entire night and REALLY singing out her songs. But she couldn't even do that either. She lacked passion, focus, and enthusiasm. She was clearly out of pace with the rest of the band and honestly, they deserved much better than that. Lindsey's performance was excellent. Sure, his vocals weren't exactly perfect either, but at least he belted them out with passion and energy and played his butt off on the guitar. I would expect nothing less from him and he certainly delivered. Same for John and Mick. All three of them are professional musicians and they performed beautifully. They were all "in the moment", except unfortunately for their front woman who was clearly on some other planet.
Dude, it's opening night. You make it sound like the sound/mic problems are her fault.

However, who knows about the meds thing. KLONOPIN'S BACK!

"Or maybe she's a witch, who transcends the boundaries of time and space, and traveled back to 1981, for her own reference."
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