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Old 03-02-2009, 08:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Zombie View Post
Hey, y'all!

Just got home and read all 30 pages of your FREAKING OFF TOPIC BANTER OMG what is wrong with everyone? Focus, people. FOCUS.

I knew the setlist before the show started, because DavidMN is tall and could see the one taped to the floor by Lindsey's mic, so I made him read it to me, BUT I wanted to wait and make sure and text it as it happened, in case they actually did do something spontaneous (har har har, now who's the silly dreamer? Oh irony, you slay me thusly.)

All in all, I thought the show was great.

After thinking back on it, for ISA, the arrangement sounded more like it does when Lindsey does it solo, BUT the mix was also off or something, because it still didn't sound quite...right.

Tusk also sounded more like it does when Lindsey does it solo. No shadow boxing, mild running around from Lindsey.

There was virtually no interaction between Stevie & Lindsey, not even during Silver Springs, which kind of surprised me. Lindsey looked over at Stevie briefly during the time they'd usually turn to each other and start shouting, but she didn't look his way at all that I noticed. Security only let the first two rows up to the stage, but my 3rd row seat was right smack between both of their mics so I could see them both at the same time, and they barely looked at each other for the whole show.

The ONE exception we noticed to the interaction thing was during Storms, which really was beautiful. Stevie looked absolutely petrified to be singing it, just really nervous, and some time after the first verse, she shot an "omg!" kind of look at Lindsey, and he shot a big dopey grin back at her. She smiled back a little and it seemed to boost her confidence. She did all the "not all of the prayers" and she sang those as strongly as she sang the rest of the lyrics. She really belted out a few lines here and there, also. Really strong, despite her nervousness - I was over the moon about it. The whole concert was good fun, of course, but I did feel very fortunate to have been among the audience to see that done live on stage for the first time in the history of ever (oh snap), and it was worth the ticket price for that alone.

Sara sounded FANTASTIC. Much better than it sounded on the Soundstage - much much better. Oh Well rocked, and it was only part 1 - none of the meandering instrumental part 2 stuff. I also really enjoyed GI with the full band like that. It was much more like the original, but not too drenched in 80s.

As for WT and Mick's solo - he did do one, but he did it from behind the kit. When they came back out for the encores, I could see goofy cables hanging off of him, so I thought he had the vest on, but he didn't leave his spot behind the kit. He did the "ARE YA WITH ME?"s and the mumbling and all that, but where he would've previously hopped around spitting on the front rows, he remained seated, and instead of the car horn noises or whatever those are, we got a kinda trippy mixing of Lindsey & Stevie vocals singing bits and parts of the words "World Turning" in rapid succession. I can't describe it properly because I am dead tired ovah heah, but it was interesting. I think he may have had the vest on back there and was flailing at it to make those vocals.

Lindsey was in fine form and energetic. Stevie just looked really nervous a lot of the time, and either they really were having sound issues, or they just decided to turn Stevie's mic way down, because her vocals were pretty quiet from where I was standing. It did not come across to me as her being lethargic or not into it, but rather nervousness mixed with something perhaps being up with her mic.

The burgundy dress she wore for the beginning of the show was stunning, and the silver spangly shirt/waist-cincher thingie she popped on over top of the black dress for Silver Springs was really pretty, too. And no Frankenboks, can I get an amen, brothers and sisters? Lindsey's bright red shirt looked very sharp on him, and I've always noted that in videos, he appears to have big feet, but now having seen him up close and in person for the first time, my lawd, the man has like, schooners attached to his ankles. Amazing.

Sharon did not screech for once, and I've never thought of Jana as the screecher, so I dunno what y'all are talking about, but Sharon did have a tiny wasp waist that I was momentarily jealous of. Neale and Brett were there, and Mick had an assistant hiding behind a pile of equipment whose name I did not catch, but if there was anyone else up there, they were hiding entirely and also not making any discernable sound. No Carlos, no Taku, etc.

The stage was pretty simple, with different colored lights and groovy spirals and junk on some screens. During SHN, they had some newspapers flying by real fast on the screens - I love it when things get so literal.

If there was a tourbook, I did NOT see one, which frustrated me to no end, as that is the only thing I wanted to buy.

And I think that's all I remember right now that's of note. I did not get any pics because I was busy being enraptured and also texting stuff to you pack of jackals, so hopefully some of the others have tons of pics to share.

Oh yeah, and there were some monumentally drunk women that started out in the row behind me and made their way up front at some point to wiggle and wave at Lindsey and offer him beer. Before the show started, I got to listen to how hawwwwwwt Lindsey is (like we don't know? Good grief) for exactly eternity + 31 minutes out of those two, so I think they thought they would make good groupies or something.

He made a comment about it into the mic, to the effect of, "Oh, you want to give me a cold one?" but he didn't look overly enthused. Yes, ladies, what the Great LB really wants is that warm beer in a plastic cup that you've been sloshing around for the better part of two hours now and may or may not have spit and/or slipped a roofie into. That might go over better at a Poison show, though. Try harder/better next time.

(*cue enraged Ledgie posting to tell me she was the one with the beer and Lindsey would so totally have taken it and is obviously now in love with her except he couldn't act on his feelings/thirst because Stevie would put the boots to him, medium-style* wocka-wocka-wocka)

Also, ALSO, if I had been one of the purchasers of the ILAA packages for tonight, I would've been highly annoyed.

Wow, I talk a lot.
Thanks so much for your insights. I wonder what was up with L&S? She was probably just nervous and sound issues always piss her off. Honestly, I'm glad I"m seeing them in April. There are so many potential "issues" opening night, I'd much rather see them when everything is ironed out and they're in their groove.

And yes, we did all get a bit off track last night!!
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