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Old 02-26-2009, 01:28 PM
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chiliD chiliD is offline
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Originally Posted by nicepace View Post
But that's not a "duo." Maybe it's a vocal duo, but there are two other musicians on stage playing the guitar and the percussion ... or are you just hiring nameless session musicians who won't even be in the light?

MY dream show would be Christine and Bob. Just the two of them on stage. Acoustic. Piano and guitar. It would work ... plenty of rockers perform just by themselves with guitar and call it "acoustic rock." (Roger McGuinn, Graham Parker, Steve Forbert for example.)

As for the big extravaganza with the entire band, it simply wouldn't work to have a zillion guitarists on stage together. But if they took turns, that would work. Mick and John are on stage for the entire concert, of course. Peter and Jeremy come out and do three songs. Then Jeremy sits down and Peter and Danny do two numbers. Then Jeremy comes back and he and Danny do two numbers. Then Jeremy leaves and Chris and Bob come on stage. Danny, Chris and Bob together do three songs. Danny leaves, Bob Weston comes on, that team does three numbers. (I guess you have to let Dave Walker come and do one song ... ugh.) Then Dave and the Bobs go off and on come Lindsey and Stevie. With Chris they get to do six songs. Then a revolving door effect takes place where Lindsey, Stevie and Chris all leave for a song or two and then come back, while Rick, Billy, Bekka and Dave Mason each get to do one song each. (Did I miss anybody? LOL)

Then the whole gang comes on stage together for the grand encore, consisting of two songs, "Oh Well" and "The Chain."
That reminds me of a concert I hypothesised about 12-15 years ago (back when Christine was still a member, and the Peter Green Splinter Group was still an active entity)


Ok, dependent on mental health & litigation issues being solved.

(the house lights go out...loud cricket noises come out of the PA system...a tall thin long-haired person walks toward the center stage mic)

(in a British growl) "HOWYADOIN, PITTSBURGH!!! I'm Dave Walker, I used to sing with these people for a short time back in 1973, so will you PLEASE GIVE A WARM

(then a slow, pedestrian bass drum starts; four shadowy figures walk across the stage as a familiar guitar riff bursts out of the sound system...on stage, Mick, John, Chris, Lindsey & Stevie)

The Chain
I'm So Afraid
Gold Dust Woman

(Stevie & Lindsey leave the stage as Christine introduces Billy Burnette & Rick Vito)

(Rick dedicates to Peter Green)
I Loved Another Woman

(Billy dedicates next song to Peter Green, too)
Oh Well

(Billy leaves the stage as Mick comes from behind the drums to center stage to introduce Peter Green)

Black Magic Woman
(Rick & Peter alternate verses)
Rattlesnake Shake

(everyone leaves stage....a lone guitarist heads toward centerstage...Lindsey)

Big Love
Go Insane

(Stevie joins him)


(roadies rustle about setting up gear at front of stage...Lindsey reappears with banjo)

Say You Love Me
(Lindsey changes to Fender six-string bass for)
Farmer's Daughter

(all leave stage...roadies bustle about arranging mics & gear...Mick comes out and sits behind drums, other people take their places on stage, John McVie walks to the mic..."Ladies & Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce THE ORIGINAL FLEETWOOD MAC!" Mick, John, Peter & Jeremy kick into)

Dust My Broom (Jeremy vocals)
Rollin' Man (Peter vocals)
Watch Out (Peter vocals)
Shake Your Moneymaker (Jeremy vocals)

(Peter & Jeremy leave stage...Billy, Rick, Christine & Stevie enter)

In The Back Of My Mind
Little Lies
Stand Back
Isn't It Midnight

(Billy & Rick leave stage...Christine starts playing a spacey piano riff as a shadowy bispectacled character with a guitar walks out onstage...its Bob Welch!)

Bermuda Triangle
Sentimental Lady

(Bob leaves to thunderous applause; Lindsey & Stevie come out on stage)

Spare Me A Little Of Your Love
Believe Me
Blue Letter

(All leave stage, Peter Green & Nigel Watson enter with acoustic guitars)

Steady Rollin' Man
Travelin Riverside Blues
Sweet Home Chicago

(Pete & Nigel pick up electric guitars, Mick, John & Christine enter)

Man Of The World

(Bob Welch, Rick Vito, Lindsey & Stevie join the stage...Bob introduces the next song...)

Green Manalishi (LONNNNNG version with guitar duels abounding, Stevie singing in tongues over the solos; segueing into...)
Sisters Of The Moon

(all leave stage....stage left empty & dark with tiny blue, swirling noises come up in the PA...after about 15 minutes...sillouetted people start taking places on stage as the stage backdrop starts to brighten in an imitation the surprise of EVERYone the lineup is Mick, John, Christine, Lindsey, Peter, Stevie & DANNY KIRWAN!)

Sunny Side Of Heaven
Station Man
(Lindsey, Stevie & Chris handle the vocals, Danny & Lindsey trade riffs on the solos)
(Lindsey, Stevie & Chris leave...Peter & Danny kick into one of their instrumentals...)

World In Harmony

(all leave stage again...stage gets dark again, yet with pale dark neon lights around the perimeter...a giant ROCK-OLA Jukebox rolls out as backdrop behind Mick's off stage '50's DJ type announcer comes on.."Ladies & Gentlemen, for the first time in 30 years EARL VINCE & THE VALIANTS!!!" Out comes Mick, John, Peter Green, Rick Vito, Billy Burnette, Christine McVie...they launch into...)

Roll With Me Henry
(w/Christine & Billy sharing the vocals)

Twist & Shout ( Peter Green on lead vocal...after which, Billy introduces "The LEADER Of the Valiants, Ladies & Gentlemen....EARL VINCE!!" An overly pomadoured Jeremy Spencer, complete with gold lame suit, hits the stage)

All Shook Up
Mighty Cold
Somebody's Going To Get Their Head Kicked In Tonite
Stuck On You
Tear It Up
(Billy & Jeremy trade vocals...Lindsey, Stevie & Bob Welch join 1/2 way through song)

(Crowd is on their feet going wild song last seemingly forever)

(Band leaves stage with houselights up, spotlights swirling around audience.)

(after 15 minutes, houselights dim...people who thought show was over and were heading out of venue, rush back to their seats. Without introduction, a few members come out on stage...Mick, John, Stevie, Chris, & Lindsey)

You Make Loving Fun
Not That Funny
Silver Springs
Go Your Own Way

(Band says goodbyes, houselights stay dim...5 minutes later a solitary figure with a guitar walks toward center stage...stage lights reveal Dave Mason alone at the mic)

We Just Disagree

(Dave says thanks, sorry he's late, his plane was diverted to another town due to weather and just got to the venue, his set was supposed to be earlier in the evening, picks up an electric guitar as others in the band hit the stage...Billy, John, Mick, Christine, and BEKKA BRAMLETT)

Only You Know & I Know

(joined by Rick Vito, Bob WESTON, & Lindsey)
All Along The Watchtower

(EVERYBODY comes out on the stage...Christine starts playing the piano with a waltz beat...)

All Over Again

(a special arrangement...with a chorus of background vocals that seem to go on forever...."Doooo It, Allll Ovvvvvver Again" building in intensity, sutble yet intricate guitar-army bits by Lindsey, the two Bobs, Rick, Peter, Nigel, Dave Mason, & slide parts by Jeremy, Danny & Billy strum Everly Bros type jumbo acoustic guitars...the crescendo ends suddenly, with Christine playing solo and singing, 'I'd do it all over again'...then launching all by herself into..)


(while all the folks on stage sway, arms around each other, the crowd as a whole whip out their Bic Lighters and sway with the band)

(at song's end, not a dry eye in the house, either in the seats or on bows & waves, Stevie, Bekka & Chris collect bouquets & stuffed animals from the front of the stage, the guys shake hands and wave...takes about 15 minutes for everyone to leave the stage. Houselights go up, original recording of Oh Well, Part 2 blasts over PA...the crowd buzzes as they leave the venue in an orderly fashion)

Bob Brunning writes a review of the show and includes anecdotes about the backstage goings on…includes photos & publishes as a book.
Among God's creations, two, the dog and the guitar, have taken all the sizes and all the shapes in order not to be separated from the man.---Andres Segovia
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