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Old 02-25-2003, 05:06 AM
LindseyRocks LindseyRocks is offline
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Seattle WA
Posts: 64
Default Christy

Funny thing is, that Tom Hanks movie crept into my mind when I typed my last post - lol.

Anyway, there was a time years ago when I got into the pre-rumours stuff. At one point I had every thing that was available by the band - I still have some of the earlier stuff on vinyl (Mystery to me, Penguin, etc). But over the years my tastes have become - how should I say this? - more "refined". At one point, I just decided that none of the pre-rumours FM stuff measured up to what I was looking for out of music. So I stopped being interested in it, and I never bothered to collect it on CD.

...with one exception...I do like Bare Trees. I used to get really baked and listen to that CD quite a bit - lol.

But for the most part, I'm a Lindsey fan - he is the one who really opened my eyes to what could be accomplished in a recording studio. Unfortunately in my case, this little obsession has been rolled over into my own music, and the bar that Lindsey set has partially prevented me from being satisfied with ANY of my own material and recording my own album for the last 10 years. I'm beginning to wonder if it will ever happen - lol

Geez - I could keep talking about this stuff forever. I'm getting a little off topic here, but oh well (no pun intended). Your post prompted me to pull up a little compilation CD I made of LB "rarities" (although some of the songs aren't that rare). It has "Time Bomb Town" on it, which I downloaded off the net last year (I have the original Back to the Future soundtrack on vinyl, and I don't deal with vinyl anymore). Anyway, this disc also has a great extended-alternate mix of "Go Insane", a live version I found of "Don't Look Down" and "Soul Drifter", and as we speak, I'm listening to an extended remix of the suave little "Family Man". I'm doin' my dance - lol

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