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Old 02-05-2009, 04:17 AM
Miragex69x Miragex69x is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 34

Luke you said it best! I can not stand people like this that think they are in charge, and think they speak for everyone! ESP in a community like this, that has been around since Fleetwood Mac started in 1967 if you want to get to the point.

Golden rule is if you do not like what someone posts, then do not read it! This board is big enough where there are other areas that you can read if you want. People have a right to say what they want, and to say that we can not say something or agree with everything Fleetwood Mac has done is STUPID.

Fleetwood Mac has done more drugs, and had more sex than most people on this board. For Kennation to come on and say we should not make light hearted drug/sex comments is STUPID!

Creatively Fleetwood Mac is at a ALL TIME LOW! They have put out one original album since 1995, if you want to count Time. Most of this board is sick and tired of the usual boring routine. I am excited to be going to so far two Unleashed Shows. But I fear minus like 2 songs, we are going to get the same ole setlist. YAWNNNNN!!!!!

Kennation thinks we should all be excited for them, and we are not true fans if we are not!

Last edited by Miragex69x; 02-05-2009 at 04:19 AM..
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