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Old 12-15-2008, 09:48 PM
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Originally Posted by snoot View Post
Geez Steve, we're starting to going round in circles now. I figured you were better than that. You just provided a perfect reference to contradict your latest statement here. If Garcia could do it, so could anyone else!
For the third time: There's no formula as to who is inducted. Bands don't always have a say as to who is included. Now, to make it simpler, some bands have more power than other bands because they're considered more important than other bands.

Especially an act as big as Fleetwood Mac. How did Jerry come to carry such a big stick? Get real.
Prior to 1997, Fleetwood Mac had fallen out of the public eye. They had the reunion, and I think the timing for them was right. They could have argued a little harder, but would rather have had that moment. In other words, it wasn't perfect, but it was good enough.

The Grateful Dead, by contrast, had been a pretty consistent draw for nearly 30 years by the time they were inducted. Not only were they one of the biggest bands ever, they were their own counter-culture in a way Fleetwood Mac could never have dreamed of. Jerry Garcia and Bob Weir are the two most recorded guitarists ever.

Popular culture! That's beside the point! They were inducting FLEETWOOD MAC, the band, not individual, cherry picked members of it. Or at least, THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN. Sorry you think it all boils down to how that bloody board sees things. How friggen lame.
I agree it's lame, but it's the Hall of Fame. Any body that would put Madonna in before Yes, Rush, or Genesis is, by definition, lame.

If it was all about "popular culture," how did half the acts that grace that Hall get it there? Starting with the Velvet Underground and Sex Pistols!
Because, those bands have had a lasting impact on popular culture. Punk rock and art rock are as alive today as ever, and most of those bands cite VU or the Pistols as influences. Hell, I was listening to both bands earlier today.

Ha! Now you're rewriting history according to how the uninformed see it. I cannot correlate these two adjoining phrases of yours: "Danny is honestly inconsequential" with "Yes, he was brilliant and became one of the most important members in the history of the band"! You're losing me in the contradiction.
No. I'm actually rock solid, here. One is Danny's impact on Peter Green, the other is more a reference to what he did for the band in the wake of Peter's departure. I agree with ChiliD. Peter needed a foil, and Danny happened to fit that bill. Be sure, Danny's inclusion had more to do with the fact he played in Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac than it did for Kiln House. Otherwise, Welch would have been included, too.

Go read what I wrote above. Fleetwood Mac did rise above the blues, only you never get the memo on Kirwan's influence making that happen. He also accents and harmonizes Green's tunes like no other.
I know too well his importance to the band. But, it's not the Important to the History of Fleetwood Mac Hall of Fame, it's the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. They don't care about the history of Fleetwood Mac, they care about Fleetwood Mac's impact on rock music/popular culture. The two variants of Fleetwood Mac that had that impact were Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac, of which Danny was a part, and the Rumours band.

To cut to the chase, go read what is written above >> again. Look for the => Garcia reference. I could add others to boot, but that one will suffice nicely. HINT: It WAS the band's decision! Put 1 + 1 together man, again just use the Garcia pointer.
I'm still not conviced.

Uh, really? Mick hasn't talked to Bob Welch in years, almost two decades now I if I'm correct! Where were you when the sour grapes went down? Go look up a certain lawsuit circa 1990 or so involving Welch and The Mac. There's your answer.
Ummm, you're totally wrong. The lawsuit was settled, Bob and Mick are talking, Bob was at the band's 2003 Nashville show, and Mick recently played or agreed to play a benefit for Bob's wife. Also, Billy was involved in the Mick Fleetwood Band about two years ago, and that morphed into the Mick Fleetwood Blues Band, which is basically lead by Rick Vito. Yeah, them grapes are still sour.

Read Bob's Second Q&A session

Hello Bob and welcome back. Thanks for coming in for more punishment! First of all a belated happy birthday to you. Secondly I hope this time you have come prepared with a secretary and some muscle relaxant gel, my friend and your alphanumeric nemesis, Mr Steve Denison is still here and ready to bombard you again! Good luck! haha.

I must start off by saying your first Q&A was by far the most entertaining I have seen here and thanks for such in depth answers. I'll start my stint with a three parter..

I guess this question has already been put to you but I understand (from what I hear) you met up with the band on the current Say You Will tour and put to bed some differences with Mick. Are you both in a better place with each other now, so to speak?

Secondly I love your new album and "Like Rain" is never off my Walkman at the moment. It seems to me that both yourself and also, Lindsey respectively, are playing and crafting your material better than ever. Your vocal performances are very good indeed on this album and I was wondering If you feel as Lindsey does, that you are getting more and more creative later in your career? It certainly seems so with another singer/guitarist that spends a lot of time in Nashville these days, Mr Mark Knopfler.

Thirdly, I recall you saying you would love to play with Peter Green if at all possible, is this still something you would love to do? (hey, next time I meet him, I'll put your reply to him, if it's yes!)

Thanks Bob, More Later. (Justin Bailey, Manchester, UK)

Thanks for the birthday wishes etc... Yes, Mick's wife called and invited us to FM's Nashville show..a very nice gesture. I've actually had a couple of conversations w/Mick since 2000, but the N'Ville show is the 1st time I've seen him in the flesh. He was very warm...we don't talk about the lawsuit at all. For one thing I can't, really, ...and he can't as per our settlement. But even if I could, I wouldn't want to....It was sort of like , "we're all getting older....let's move on"

Yes I do feel I'm playing /singing better now than 20 or 30 years ago....Too little too late I guess ;-) I'm just 100% confident of what I can....and can't do now, in my "maturity" ..(ugh!) I feel I have complete control of my craft, and after all these years, I finally know how to get any desired musical result. I'm sure Lindsey feels the same way...It's not that I'm more's that I waste less time on useless b----hit than I used to. But there's a famous cliche ; if youth only knew....if age only could !

Thanks for the kind words about "Like Rain" !

I'd absolutely love to play with Pete Green....or Lindsey for that matter....The time horizon ain't what it used to be, and we have to make hay while the sun still shines..
This was posted on the Sheryl Crow is joining Fleetwood Mac!!! thread over on the Rumours forum on 04-23-2008 at 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by missus View Post
I think exactly that...I don't like the idea...I hate to say unpleasant things about a fellow artist.....but IMO Sheryl Crow will do ANYTHING to get her face out there....a commercial, a charity, a "guest shot"....she's right up there with Brett Michaels....ANYTHING for publicity....embarassing...nothing to do with music....everything to do with self-promotion of the worst kind.This next is a truly , truly horrible thing to say....but, IMO, and forgive me if I'm wrong.....even the marriage to Lance Armstrong smacks of a publicity stunt to me....There is an old one-liner in showbiz that" dying is a great career move". I ( and I know this sounds terribly mean spirited), I think that if Crow could manage to "die" somehow, for awhile...and then magically reappear...she'd do it. And BTW; recently my wife was (THANK GOD) MIS-diagnosed with a fast moving form of liver cancer...We were told, erroneously thank GOD, that the chemo and other treatment could completely bust our lifetime insurance cap....and that we better start thinking about maybe doing some fundraisers...we were panicked..I immediately got on the phone and started calling;....1st Mick Fleetwood...Mick said he would play(we weren't asking for money, just "time and talent)anytime, did Rick did Billy did Walter did Jeff Baxter. Stevie Nicks and Lindsey didn't bother to even return my calls. The die is cast...I now know who's got a heart and who doesn't....REALLY got a heart, not the phony heart on sleeve BS that often passes for "empathy" in Hollywood. Sorry to have to say this...Stevie stiffed me and my did Lindsey....Mick and everybody else came through when we really thought Wendy was at death's door...A misdiagnosis, again, thank God. I will never forget who was a friend....and who wasn't.

Bob Welch
wx-Fleetwood Mac,Capitol Records artist etc. etc.
On and on it will always be, the rhythm, rhyme, and harmony.

THE Stephen Hopkins
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