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Old 09-15-2008, 04:32 PM
ajmccarrell ajmccarrell is offline
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Originally Posted by shackin'up View Post
Engineers are not musiclovers, they are one-track-mind technicians. (same logic as yours here). Lindsey Buckingham is an artist that is very much known as a soundconstructor. On his last two solo-albums he's aiming for a hifi lofi sound. 90 percent of the engineers iron music flat. He won't let that happen on his solo-outings. Yes, he's breaking new grounds again and your remarks are proof of that: your opinions proof that you have a conservative taste. Nothing wrong with that, but don't read LB's music with the same mindset. He's trying to make a point for almost 30 years and you still don't get it.

You're constantly asking us to limewire the new album so that the whole world can get it for free: you embraced the modern age when it comes to the industry: we are the home-distributors of today. Now there's a mainsteam artist who adds that democratic view in his sound: hometape qualities. He even tried to express his sympathy for this worldwide movement in his selfshot documentary on his Basshall DVD. Are you deaf and blind, dude, or don´t you WANT to hear it, because you´re waiting for Rumours II for 31 years.

Well who am I to keep you down....
Your comments are mostly a bunch of assumptions. Try putting an album together and see what you think then. I don't think it's artistic if a guy wants to use a PC mic on his desktop, there's a such thing as artistic and there's a such thing as just plain unprofessional. I can't speak for the other guy, but I started engineering because I'm a musician first a foremost. I'm a rotten engineer, just ask Tom Moncrieff. However, even I know not to do some of the crap Lindsey is doing. I mean, come on, from the cardboard inserts, the metronome noises, the tapping on mics, selling his house, etc... it's clear the guy has run out of money. I'm only 26 and I wan't that fond of Rumours, I thought it sounded tinny, so I couldn't have been waiting for it for 31 years. I'm frankly sick of Rumours. I'm a fan because of Go Insane, OOTC, and anything Tango on. I was more hoping for OOTC part II, which this clearly isn't. Law and Order was an almost unlistenable mess, as far as I'm concerned. Your opinion is WAY too hostile for my simply expressing a series of very valid criticisms. You wanted to talk about hometape qualities, well I can't think of a single demo I've heard from any amateur musician I've tried to record that would have used the built in metronome sounds.... and I've recorded some seriously unprofessional and bizarre stuff.
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