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Old 09-08-2008, 01:35 AM
michelej1 michelej1 is offline
Addicted Ledgie
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: California
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I just got back from the show. JustCrazyLove gave us the setlist and has already expressed the excitement that's still got me a bit heady. World Turning was in the set too after Come.

I picked up a t-shirt at the door. It's black with the infamous GOS album cover on one side and a picture of Lindsey from the waist down ascending stairs on the other side. Really nice.

Lindsey emerged in a black shirt, black leather jacket and black jeans, which makes it totally different from the blue-jeaned UTS tour! He looked slimmer than he did for UTS, trim and tone.

Great Day and Love Runs Deeper sounded amazing. After LRD, Lindsey says that they were out supporting an album that . . . He paused and I mentioned that the album is "not out yet". He thought it was funny that I was right, that the album is not out yet. Yeah, I'm observant that way Linds. It's amusing to me that a guy with such a hard head has such good hearing in concert.

Later on in the evening he said that the album was coming out on September 16, he thought and asked the audience if he'd gotten that date right. Livia -- also in attendance, shouted "Yeah" confirming that he did have the right date and he acknowledged the answer. So, we felt well represented.

Lindsey said that many of us know he is from Palo Alto and mentioned that his family was there that night. He said he loved them all very much.

Just Crazy Love is right that "Go Insane" sounded incredible with a full band. It was the highlight of the evening for me, vibrant with the extra vocals and Lindsey mimicking the "go insane" echoing chant from the album. Delicious.

Gift of Screws ROCKED. A few songs afterwards, he mentioned that Gift of Screws was actually from an Emily Dickinson song and so the title is not as rude as it sounds. He said it's actually about the struggle of making perfume.

He talked about writing Big Love in 1987, which, he recalls, was not the best time in his personal life or in the lives of other band members. He mentioned that we probably knew about that, with a laugh. And he said his life has changed now that he has married and had 3 years. He can't believe it's been 20 years.
Back then, he wasn't singing just about "looking" for love. He was "looking out" for love as in guarding against it. But luckily he says, that's not true anymore.

For Did You Miss Me, he says it's the lead song off of the new album, but wonders if it should even be called a single. He said he doesn't think that term applies to him anymore. After all he says, he didn't see anyone doing a DYMM video did he? But, still, he says the song has been getting some radio airplay, even if it's not really a "single."

It was good to hear Don't Look Down, but when we told him we wanted something off of OTTC, I think we expected to get more than just that.

Time Precious Time is the only new song that didn't work for me. I know he likes to play it because of the intricate guitar work. It seems to have almost a mandarin flavor. But I'm not really into it.

He ended with Treason, which I think would have been a great anthem song, the kind that would have caught on with the public and been a rousing, singalong, show closer, if it had been released in the eighties. I liked it. Great Day, Love Runs Deeper, GOS, DYMM and Treason really make me excited for this new album.

Great man, great show. Fate takes time and watching Lindsey evolve these last decades has been well worth the wait. I feel delighted anew each time I see him and for different reasons. If I needed to be amazed, I was.



Last edited by michelej1; 09-08-2008 at 01:42 AM..
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