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Old 08-31-2008, 06:07 AM
TheWILDheart TheWILDheart is offline
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Originally Posted by Moz View Post
Note: I know Jeremy Spencer (allegedly) wrote this, but his accusations have more to do with the Rumours line up than the pre-Rumours line up.

I was reading about Jeremy Spencer and found something he wrote for The Family/Children of God. It basically says that rock and roll is evil, etc., but also that some members of Fleetwood Mac were "sodomites." Apparently Barry Gibb, Eric Clapton, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Brian Epstien are sodomites, too. Oh yeah, ABBA is evil. This was written sometime in the 1990s and was found on

The following paragraphs taken from this Family newsletter accuses Mick and Peter of sleeping together, that "Lindsay" (he confuses Lindsey and Stevie) was a witch, the success of songs like Black Magic Woman and Albatross are due to the Devil, Fleetwood Mac is evil.

"I encountered one of the most shocking examples of gross Sodomy when I was in Fleetwood Mac. Mick Fleetwood's wife & the woman who was George Harrison's wife at that time were sisters. (George Harrison was the guitarist of the Beatles.) Often these sisters would go together to the big parties that the Beatles threw. One morning while I was talking to Mick, his wife came into the room & was bragging about the party she had gone to the night before & how groovy it was & said that Eric & Paul & George were having a "scene" on the couch. (A "scene" meant having sex together.) That meant that Eric Clapton, George Harrison & Paul McCartney (famous rock singers) were having a homosexual threesome on the couch! I was shocked! I looked at Mick Fleetwood & he said, "What's wrong with you? What's the matter with you?" I said, "That's disgusting! I don't think that's right!" He said, "Come on! I wouldn't mind having a 'scene' with Eric, George & Paul!"

"Around that time Sodomy started creeping in more between the members of Fleetwood Mac. I would sometimes find Mick Fleetwood in bed with Peter Green, the leader of Fleetwood Mac. The way they would talk amongst themselves about other men was disgusting to hear. They would comment on some man's body & say, "Oh, he's cute. I wouldn't mind blah, blah, blah...", like normal System men would talk between themselves about women."

"Peter Green was fascinated with the Devil and hung around with witches."

"The rising success of Fleetwood Mac in 1976, about five years after I left them, came when they signed up with a couple, Stevie Nicks & Lindsay Buckingham. Lindsay Buckingham was a confirmed witch from Phoenix, Arizona where the headquarters of a witch coven is located. She goes there on occasion & apparently performs miracles, like making it rain. She's playing around with the power of the Devil! She paid the Devil his due with the biggest song on their first album, "Rhiannon", which was the name of a very famous witch from Wales. She also named her songwriting company "Welsh Witch Music". So there's the secret of their success!"

"I saw Peter Green a few years later in Los Angeles. -- He had been imprisoned for beating up his wife."

"The last time I talked to people who knew Peter Green, they told me that now his fingernails are two inches long, he doesn't wash and sometimes crawls around on his hands and knees like Nebuchadnezzar did."

"The kids nicknamed him (Peter Green) the "Werewolf of Richmond" because he prowls around at night in this horrible state and scares people."
Yeh totally; cos Lindsay is a SHE from Arizona...
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