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Old 07-24-2008, 05:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Richard B View Post
LOL. Too good. When I was a kid, I had a pet tarantula (as boys do) and it got out one day. I swear my Mom did not sleep for 2 days...course neither did I with all of my Mom's hysterics (bless).

Finally, my tarantula appeared in the kitchen, on top of the toaster. Weirdest place to find her, but glad to have her contained.

Oh! That just scared the sh*t out of me! I am so afraid of spiders! A couple of months ago me and my friend went out shopping and got ice cream, well we were on our way back to my house and I felt something crawl accross my hand, and there was this big honkin ass spider! I gasped really loud, threw my feet up on the dash board and reese cup bits went everywhere! So of course my friend screamed, we turned down a side street and got out of the car, and we couldn't find the spider!
I was shaking my shirt out, and my hair, and of course it was dark, so we couldn't see jack. Some guy was standing on the pourch and he walked over to us and asked us if we were ok. We never did find the spider!
Jessarae Papillons
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