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Old 02-05-2008, 09:38 AM
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Originally Posted by BombaySapphire3 View Post
Duped by a chimp with a 91 IQ who cannot complete a sentence?This does not bode well for her Presidency and I do not believe she is more electable than Obama ..she is a very polarizing candidate.
His IQ is 91? Where did you see his WAIS-R results. Moreover, last I checked, he compltes 99% of his sentences publicly uttered, thgough he had laid about 100 humdingers over the last eight years

Seriously, Hillary could not have voted against the US continuing inspections in Iraq. Remember, her husband and the D's were more than happry to bomb Iraq just a few years earlier and by all accounts (see all the unanimous UN declarations, resolutions, etc. for the prior 10 years) - Iraq was hiding something - remember SH kicked the UN out, but no one faults him for that - it's all W's fault. Thus, voting to continue the inspections was the right thing to do, at least according to unanimous world consent

I do not believe Hillary ever supported or votred for the premature canceling of the inspections and the rush to war, which is where W and his cronies went wrong.

In the end, I think Iraq cannot be summed up in a few sentences like "we should never have gone there" or something like that. I think that after 9/11, we could not afford to let SH fester, esp. when the world thought he had WMD. Put it this way, if someone on your block blew up your house and killed your family and you knew based on all intelligence that some unrelated other person also on your block who was your sworn enemy had explosives and had used them on you and your allies in the past - wouldn't you want someone at least to go there and make sure they no longer had those explosives? I know I would even though they had nothing to do with blowing up my house

To be clear, I think W and his cronies lied about the ending the inspections prematurely and rushing to war. I also think they botched the war from the beginning by not putting wnough troops on the ground. Interestingly, now that we have more troops on the ground, the tide is turning our way. Go figure. I also think W is a criminal and should be in jail. I despise his presidency.

Can Hillary be the one to unite? I doubt it. But, I do not think political unification of America is possible. So, I think she is the best choice as far as experience goes. She clearly has demonstrated he ability to cross the aisle as the junior senator from New York.

As for Obama, he talks a great game of change from the old ways, but he surrounds himself with old style players. Clearly, that is symbolic of something negative. Yet, people cannot see that, which amazes me. Obama does, however, most reflect my personal political ideals.

Finally, if Obama is the D nominee, I will vote for him. I do, however, think that if they were smart politicians (oxymoron I know) - it would be a Clinton/Obama ticket, which would be unbeatable, esp. against McCain, who IMO will be the R nominee.

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