Thread: Dead = Sad
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Old 12-05-2007, 08:19 PM
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michelle2677 michelle2677 is offline
Addicted Ledgie
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: at the railway station, waiting
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well, tbh, I think most people are still skeptic about the 1-strike-and-you're-out routine. That's problem number one.

problem number two is I feel so many people have been burned by other ledgies, that everyone is on the defense. I think everyone pretty well knows what i'm talking about. we're not this happy family anymore. not that we ever were. I was disfucntional. and it was f*cked up. and it was crazy. but at least, for the most part, everyone cared for each other. there's no connection anymore. we've lots that loving feeling. now it's gone.




I also hate that the ledge has come to this. I'm not going to sit here and say "oh it's the holidays, people are busy" because it sucked before the holidays.

I think a bulk of the main posters don't really visit here as much because of certain events that have played out over the course of the past year. Then seven wonders crashed and this place was flooded with wannabes who were ~timeless~ and ~wind children~ and I felt like the few people who were left were put off by that.

okay. i'll add the holidays. yeah, people are busy *cough cough*

add that to no activity with the band, and you have a pretty bleak situation.

I keep hoping that the place will liven up but it hasn't. I wish I knew a way to fix it because I love this place. i really do.

while we're at it, the ONE thread that actually had activity going on was the thread about the 2girls1cup. it was actually an interesting thread, even though the material was disgusting. But it's not like the video was posted. it's not like a link was posted. we were just discussing the video and the reactions around it and it got deleted. so idk whatever.

and to touch on the one strike rule. if it weren't in place, i'd say what I think REALLY think happened to the ledge
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