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Old 08-27-2007, 02:46 PM
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Jessica Jessica is offline
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: IL, USA
Posts: 88

I thought Christine looked markedly better during the Tango-BTM period than she did around Mirage-Christine McVie. I think it was simply due to more flattering makeup and hairstyle. But, makeup and hairstyle alone cannot explain the change in her appearance for The Dance. You can see in the Tango vid that she is pretty thin, yet not as thin as she was in 1997-98 (or now). When women get to be the age she is now, they often look younger if they gain a few pounds. In those interviews for ITM, I swear her thighs looked about as big around as my forearm. She still looked good for her age, even if she was a little on the bony side. I did notice that she had her hair all in her eyes again. I've always had the urge to reach through the TV and brush it out of her face. Whatever work she had done prior to The Dance was very WELL done and subtle. She didn't look like she'd had anything else done since.
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