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Old 07-02-2007, 08:04 PM
DJM DJM is offline
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 40
Default If you're reading storms, what do you think so far??

i have to admit that i wanted to buy and read the book. i'm not exactly sure why but i do. anyway, i got it last week and i'm up to ama award night.

i don't think it's a horribly written book but it's not great either. it's a bit too repetitive in that she's the hero and he's the needy, control freak.
i find the parts about the inner world of fleetwood mac very interesting. i was at a philly show and not being into drugs i wondered what lindsey was doing as he went to the back of the stage every once in awhile. i had binoculars on him and now i know for sure - coke.
i thought the part about him getting to meet eric clapton was interesting also.
it's hard to believe that no one in the band went to see him in the hospital in philadelphia for 4 days. that blows my mind. it makes me loose a little respect for all of them for not seeing how he was.
i also thought the part when carol was floored by the lyrics of 'i'm so afraid' interesting also. i, too, the very first time i heard the song said to myself, there's something going on with guy having written the song with those heartbreaking lyrics at such a young age.
i thought it was funny when she describes conversations with stevie as having entered the twilight zone. i've often thought that about some of her earlier interviews.

anyway, just wondering what you think of the book so far if you're reading it.

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