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Old 04-12-2007, 10:24 PM
Addicted Ledgie
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 9,274

Walking out on 600 fans one hour before showtime. Oh so professional.
Gee...conflicting reports. Venue states one hour before show...people at the event reporting to the press 5:30. What time were the doors to open...what time was the show to start? I wonder why it was last minute...maybe time was spent trying to work it out?

I see you've really done your homework. He soundchecks "a couple" songs and declares he's done. That Lindsey is just always trying to make the peace.
I wonder why Lindsey took the time to sound check songs? Maybe he TRIED to make it work with their equipment and found it did not? Oh sure Lindsey would have wanted people fcking with his music through the Grosier system. You may want to do your homework...take a gander how the sound is manipulated with that system.
You say that as if it somehow is a negative thing. Lindsey and crew would have known about that well in advance, and it was a court order to keep the volume down. Should they have completely disregarded it so that Lindsey could be amplified by 10 more decibals?
The venue should have been upfront of their equipment and desire to stick with their court order. Lindsey obviously didn't know about the equipment restriction or he WOULD have selected another venue.

It's just pretty darn obvious to me that this was not the best choice on Lindsey's part, even if the Rococo had horribly mistreated him, or lied to him, or just had a crappy sound system. He can still put on a show, if not his exact same show. Ooh, partial spontaneity, baaaaad.
When you are a musician of Lindsey's stature, get back to us with how you would handle the situation...dogpony show? maybe pull a rabbit out of your ...? oh yeah I would LOVE to see that.
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