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Old 03-28-2007, 06:36 AM
madformac madformac is offline
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Originally Posted by The Tower View Post
That's just a little too precious and overdramatic for my taste.
Thats overdramatic? Have you read most of the threads lately? I'm just a straight and honest guy giving my opinion. There are plenty of drama queens on this site to stir things up as it is.

Originally Posted by The Tower View Post
It's an annex of a Fleetwood Mac message board called "Chit Chat", fer chrissakes. How much more of an inane title could be concocted to represent what it is?
I don't know, and I'm not particularly bothered. I am more annoyed for Marty and Lis than anybody that what has been a great addition to the Fleetwood Mac community has been hijacked into a smut filled hotspot of triviality. Lets face it. A significant proportion of members are more concerned about themselves than others. I see a lot of fragile egos here these days. So much "me ,me, me" and "I have to give my opinion and a screw yours if its different" mentality. Theres also an undercurrent of sexual tension around too. Its all rather tiresome.

Originally Posted by The Tower View Post
The Penguin is the Fleetwood Mac "resource". The Ledge is the living, breathing, changing part of it. Chit Chat should just be renamed "Bull**** Central"- for that is what most of it is. And parts of it are extremely funny and in bad taste, but without that, this place would be as boring as a nunnery.
Well The Penguin is a reference and information site but as you will notice from the address of this website it is linked and a part of The Penguin, therefore it is a resource of that site. The Penguin is the best Fleetwood Mac site on the net by a distance and its a shame that, like all families, theres always a disruptive part. Its not supposed to be a nunnery (bit overdramatic wouldn't you say?) But it is a Fleetwood Mac chat site first and foremost. Or maybe I should say it was?.

In total views the Pre Rumours, Rumours, Post Rumours, Peter Green, Lindsey Buckingham, Stevie Nicks and Christine McVie forums combined give a total of 291,099 views. The Chit Chat forum on its own has 278,087 views. So its clearly the most popular forum now.

So the focus has changed and its one of the reasons some of the more respected members of the forums have left recently.

Originally Posted by The Tower View Post
Anyone who thinks that a person under the age of adolescence would be interested in reading The Ledge is smoking something that I'd like to get my hands on.
"Won't someone puh-leeeeze think of the children?!?!?"
Why take a chance? This site was not intended for the topics getting discussed lately. There are thousands of forums on the net catering for the subject matter that is being hinted at all the time. They are only a click away.

But of course, thats just my opinion. Maybe too much of the "me" mentality so common here. Its not up to me to change anything. Just to state my observations as a third party. I think this place is losing more respect by those who came for the music each and every day.

Last edited by madformac; 03-28-2007 at 06:39 AM.. Reason: grammatical error
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