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Old 03-06-2007, 07:17 PM
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Originally Posted by SuzeQuze View Post
I heard there was a recent study where women who incorporated sprints into their cardio lost 3x the body fat of women who didn't. So I've started "sprinting" on the elliptical every few minutesish.
I am suspecting this info crosses genders. As a test, yesterday I started doing more sprints in my swim. I am at 400 meters out of 2200 going full out. Every 9th and 10th lap I am sprinting. Maybe in a few weeks I can amp it up to double that. We will see if it makes a difference. I have totally stalled out in the weight loss, even though I feel a good burn in my chest shoulders and abs this week. Gotta do something to kick it up a notch and this may do it. Been thinking about one of those boot camp things. Kinda spendy, but I bet it would kick my ass and help me lose this last 10-12 pounds.

On another note, it was f*cking glorious here today. 80 degrees, clear blue sky. Had to slather on the sunscreen. I love LA!

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