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Old 07-16-2002, 05:30 PM
larg larg is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Casco, Maine
Posts: 94

Okay, quick question first... someone above mentioned SHN from the Shrine Angel album?!?! I don't have that track on my copy...! Would anyone be willing to help me out and send it to me...? Pleeeeeease?? This is my FAV song live, and I've never heard it from the Shrine Angel cd... so I'd be grateful if someone would help me out... I could maybe send you something in return...? My e-mail is, and on AIM, I am largadam, so if anyone can help me...! (hint hint!)

Ok, anyways, here goes:

Second Hand News: Las Vegas '77
Dreams: Paris, '80
Never Going Back Again: Chicago '93 (OotC)
Don't Stop: Irvine Meadows '97
Go Your Own Way: North Carolina, '75
Songbird: Ummm...they are ALL great!
The Chain: Japan '80
You Make Loving Fun: The Dance video
I Don't Want to Know: Grr..... I'll substitute is for Silver Springs: umm, I forget what show it is... the one in '97 where Lindsey finishes the song...!
Oh Daddy: St. Louis '79
Gold Dust Woman: Any performance from the TISL tour... I loved how the cowbell has the echo to it... greatness...

Well, it was nice posting here again. I hope to start posting more often...!

Adam R.
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