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Old 07-03-2002, 08:00 PM
CarneVaca CarneVaca is offline
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 3,228


With all due respect, your premise is incorrect: I never told anyone to stop posting, therefore there is no contradiction. It is simply a figment of your imagination. Or perhaps you simply misread. Pleading with someone to reconsider how the person is using a particular phrase or term is vastly different from telling people engaged in a discussion to stop. If you don't see that universe of difference, there's really not much I can do to help you. As someone who lives by the First Amendment, I would NEVER tell anyone to not express an opinion. I may be guilty of being discourteous here, which may be bad enough in the eyes of some, but I won't tell anyone to not post an opinion.

You've made a lot of assumptions in your post. Your original message was so outlandish that besides what I've already pointed out, you went so far as to try to psycho-analyze me:

"Have you ever considered that all of the attacking and sarcasm here is just another way of escaping from problems and keeping sane? I don't know if that is the situation here, it's just a thought. Some of us dream our way out, some of us fight or scream our way out. Some may overload on reality to escape it."

You know nothing about me. And while I support your right to post whatever opinions you want, I reserve the right to think that you are full of ****. Yeah, you can go ahead and reply that I choose to ignore the part where you say, "I don't know if that is the situation here," but you and I know that you wanted to make the point while leaving yourself just enough room to try to deflect criticism. I've been dealing how people employ rhetoric all my adult life, so such tricks don't work on me.

Despite the sheer folly of your reasoning in your original post, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're a decent person. And I'll just leave it at that.
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