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Old 07-03-2002, 08:10 AM
CarneVaca CarneVaca is offline
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 3,228

Amy, Amy, Amy:

Your comments are astounding. I see that you're posting from outside the U.S., so perhaps your connection to the events of 9/11 isn't quite as strong. But your drawing a parallel between my reaction to comments made about 9/11 and the reaction of some posters to what I have said about the band is so surprising that I have to wonder if you realized what you were saying.

My comments to Tyshiria, and I stand by them, were simply a rational way to deal with a problem that seemed to bother her. She got into a discussion to tell others to end the discussion. If I'm at a cocktail party and a group of people huddles next to me to discuss buying shoes or bungee jumping, I may not be interested in the conversation, but I'm not going to tell them to stop it because it does not interest me.

Now when our other friend tossed the term "9/11" into the mix in what seemed to me a cavalier way, I merely "pleaded" with her to consider how she uses the term. Now, she seems like a nice enough person and I am sure she had no intention other than to express a positive sentiment. And I even acknowledged that.

You reached way far to find a parallel here, probably because you had no real substantive contribution to this discussion, which pretty much has wound down. Now, let me plead with you to consider this: Is my reaction to remarks about the murder of more than 3,000 people going about their daily lives a fair comparison to a reaction of someone who was unhappy with the way a discussion about a filthy-rich rock band was going on this board? Unlike most of the world, I didn't have to watch 9/11 on TV.

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