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Old 09-14-2006, 02:55 PM
Nixxxed Nixxxed is offline
Addicted Ledgie
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Enjoying the cool, fresh air conditioning...

This morning about 4:00 AM, Miss Makita (the family Rottweiler) cornered a skunk behind the A/C pump unit outside - poor thing was thoroughly sprayed with skunk musk. But the kicker was: so was the A/C unit. I woke up choking seconds afterwards, thinking the house was on fire because of the putrid smell, and wondering why the hell Makita was going utterly BAT**** in the back yard.

Luckily we had a small cold front late last evening, and we were able to air out the house all morning while disassembling and scrubbing the coils on the A/C so it wouldn't pump the smell inside any more.

We also got this awesome anti-skunk shampoo from our local feed store, and Makita smells better than ever after getting 3 baths in the driveway, with the hose, so all the neighbors passing by could see her shame. They felt sorry for her, and the next door neighbor guy even brought her some treats. His window A/C unit faces our backyard, and the smell got sucked into his house too. (Which is straight up karma, since it was his trash the damn skunk got into first before heading into our back yard...)

As soon as the house cools off, I'm taking a NAP!
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