Thread: Buying a home
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Old 01-19-2006, 08:05 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by CelticGypsy
He finally came to his senses after he thought about some of the problems with the house he wanted to buy. We plan to keep saving to buy a better home closer to our jobs. It may take a year or two but I rather stay put than be stuck in a house I am unhappy with. Thanks everyone for your suggestions and comments Thanks for letting me vent
I am a little late in this topic..but ..glad he came to his senses..wish I would of come to mine before we bought this house we are in..well its not the house..the house is big and beautiful..actually my dream house with a veranda that goes around the whole house and a beautiful hot tub in our back bottom deck..but I HATE the location !! and feel like we are in our own small world..We made a move from the west coast to the east coast and it was the worst thing we could of did..We currently have the house on the market..but because its just a small fishing village on the sea we are having a hell of time selling it for the money its worth..No one locally can afford it.I dont; say that in any mean way..but all that is here is fish smoking plants and the pay is the most 10 an a mortgage for our price range is way above what most can afford..and no one from the city seems to want to do the commute ,even though its only a half hour drive.
Anyway sorry guess i needed to vent too..I am glad your hubby came to his patient and the right house will find you ..
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