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Old 12-10-2005, 03:15 PM
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Exclamation Brokeback Mountain Review and Response

It was not easy, but I did it. I got in to see this movie.
It is only playing in one theatre in town, on three screens. The first show was 12:01 Friday morning/Thursday evening. Every show yesterday was sold out except for 11:45 p.m. Then they added a midnight show.

To be honest, I don't know how in depth, detailed, or eloquent I can be at this moment. I read the story upon which the film is based years ago. I avoided all the reviews because I didn't quite remember the details of some of it, especially the last section. It has been difficult to avoid the hubbub in the press, but I have noticed the words that are being trumpeted about. Astonishing. Epic. Heartbreaking. Revolutionary. Masterpiece.

All of the above and more.

I have quite simply never seen a film that moved me to this degree. There has never been a film about this particular subject. Not with this backdrop, depth, quality and meaning. Not that I have seen. As far as I am concerned, this is the first love story about two men that has even been made. I have seen all the indie gay movies since the 70's. They had their moments, but this is another animal entirely. This not a gay movie. It is so much bigger than that.

Nearly every aspect of this film is graceful, sharp, honest, and beautiful. Ang Lee paces it to unfold and grow as the relationship intensifies. It is never rushed. It moves very slowly in parts, and as the story propels and draws you in, it traps you as surely as the lead characters are trapped.

I could go on about the camera work, the writing, the careful direction, the authentic design, the devastating score. It was all top notch art. The only drawback was some of the makeup. A minor quibble. When I noticed that, I was so absorbed in the story I was on the verge of cracking in half in my chair.

This film captures the irresistable force of love in such a powerful, aching manner, that it made me feel I had never seen two people onscreen in love before. The characters, and their plight, will haunt me for years to come. At this point, I am exhausted and a bit out of it. Therefore I can no longer hear the theme music playing on a loop in my head. It is a good thing, because if I could still hear that music, it is likely I would be sobbing as I write.

This film is a landmark. It made my guts buzz, my heart yearn, and my entire identity rattle. I don't know that it will ever be far from my mind.

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