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Old 10-14-2005, 11:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Mad4stevie
It is heartbreaking to watch, especially when you consider that it is an organic brain disease that no one would ever "chose" to have. The good news it that it can be controlled through medication and psychotherapy. However, part of the stuggle of treating bipolar is that when someone feels manic (which can be triggered by stress or major life events), they stop taking their meds because they feel "great". Of course, that is the exact wrong thing to do, and their illness spirals out of control, often resulting in hospitalization. A good support network is key, also.
Yeah, I majored in psych and also had a friend who is bipolar so I am aware of the symptoms and behaviors. I watched my friend go through the ups and downs, the alcohol abuse, and then hit bottom. She did get on the right meds and level out though. She quit the booze too. It was all very difficult. I know she missed the mania, I guess it is quite a high. But then you wind up spending $30,000 on a party at the Waldorf when you don't have a pot to piss in. An aunt of mine did something like that. So staying on the meds is necessary I know. I think early intervention would help prevent the needless suffering of many. Unfortunately the stigma of mental illness and lack of education about it creates an environment where few seek treatment until they are really hurting.
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