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Old 09-19-2005, 12:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Brwn_eyes0511
Clinton wants everyone to be equally miserable. Raising taxes would lower revenue; Clinton knows this and doesn't care. For Clinton, this is just an excuse to limit freedom and increase government influence in our lives.

simply raise taxes -- it's the Democratic Party cure-all.
Baloney. This is not "typical" raising taxes. This is "clean up your mess" raising taxes. He started an unjust war which is a black hole of a money sucker. Now we have Katrina, which isn't his fault, but we have all of that to pay for. The top 1%, the wealthiest of Americans, the ones who need the extra money the least can't give back their tax cut because we are in crisis? That seems selfish. If they let the economy go to sh*t by watching the dollar decrease in value they may wind up with nothing themselves. Then they may wish they never got a tax cut that choked the economy.
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