Thread: Lindsey's women
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Old 07-05-2005, 07:36 PM
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Originally Posted by glitter_fades
I see a slight difference in him moving on to random nobodies for companionship or sex because his woman didn't want him anymore, and what she did in having known affairs with many men in his social circle and working environment.
Originally Posted by glitter_fades
You don't have to believe there is a difference between her sleeping with everybody he knew while looking for help with her solo career, and him getting laid by random nobodies and a few steady girlfriends after they broke up. He didn't sleep with her close freinds and working associates.
You seem to blame Stevie for dating guys that Lindsey was friends with, but, really, she was just dating within her social circle (it wasn't just Lindsey's). These were the guys she knew, liked, and trusted (rightly or wrongly).
She could have gone out and dated some actor or male model, or whomever, but she didn't know those guys. She wasn't around them.

My question is: If these chaps were all such good friends of Lindsey's, then why didn't they rebuff Stevie's "advances" out of loyalty to him?
Seems to me it would have been pretty simple to say, "I'm sorry, Stevie, but I'm friends with Lindsey, and I think he'd be hurt if we dated."

A LOT of guys have a rule where they won't date the ex-girlfriend of a close buddy.

Hell, if Lindsey was hurt (and no one knows for certain that he was), maybe it was more due to the fact that his friends were dating Stevie, than by Stevie dating his friends.
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