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Old 01-22-2005, 09:50 PM
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Originally Posted by dissention
If only you had been at the one HERE. I caused quite the commotion.

They were having a promotion where if you signed up for a Circuit City credit card, you would get a free CD or DVD of your choice. I filled it out and got my coupon to go pick something out and found the DualDisc CD/DVD for David Bowie's "Reality." I bring it up to the counter along with everything else that I was getting and when the chick scans it in, she says "I can't sell this to you, it's illegal." I asked her to elaborate and she screamed "I just can't. IT'S ILLEGAL!" So I screamed for the f*cking manager.

She finally shows up and tells me the same thing "It's illegal." I ask what is goddamned illegal about selling me a CD and she wouldn't answer me. I caterwauled long enough for her to FINALLY spit out that it isn't released until February 8th and that it was on the floor by mistake. Why the hell couldn't they have simply told me that to begin with instead of screaming "ILLEGAL" for ten minutes?
Oh.My.God. I wish I was there
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