Thread: Weed?
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Old 01-09-2005, 03:33 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by HomerMcvie
I have tried nearly everything (except needles -I still tear up when the doctor wants to give me a shot!). Some are more fun than others, BUT, my favorite drug is legal. I'll take a rum and coke, or a glass of wine, over all of it. Seriously. I never lose control when drinking. If I'm high, or tripping, or ?, I'm not in control, and I don't care for that feeling. I never got into trouble for any of it either. Those friends just kind of drifted away, and I was done with it. It was always more social for me, than for the high (okay 60/40!).
BTW, I've not done any of those other things for QUITE some time. Saying no used to be harder than it is now.
Now where's that Merlot.......
it's next to my beer! which needs to be replaced by the way! bartender!?

great....ledgies gettin drunk! and let live.......and let type too!

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