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Old 12-29-2004, 05:34 PM
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SuzeQuze SuzeQuze is offline
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Originally Posted by Johnny Stew
I feel your pain, my friend.

I think the biggest kick in the teeth for me, was when my neighbors were here for a little get-together the September before last, and they were all discussing Jerry Lewis having gained so much weight (the M.D.A. telethon was that weekend). One of my neighbors turned to me and said, "you're getting pretty fat, too, Brian!"


And I only weighed 176!
Honestly, what the hell is wrong with people? Who SAYS that??? By the way, I am 5'6" and do not weigh much less than that, although I lost 2 lbs. Either that or my doctor's scale is calibrated differently than my gym scale. If I ever manage to get back to the gym, I'll maybe figure that out. Stupid gym. Right now I'm just so tired from the holidaze and getting through this depression since my breakup with the BF. Yes, that's right, I'm on the market.

Anyway, I HATE that people think it is okay to comment on other's weight like that, it is so rude. I've had people say inappropriate things to me about it ("eat a salad") and it really hurts. Although I am sensitive. Anywya, I gotta get home, Peapod is coming!

PS, I *might* be addicted to the Ledge.

PPS, Amber, I love your new pic with the kitties! So cute
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