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Old 11-06-2004, 06:14 AM
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sara1998 sara1998 is offline
Addicted Ledgie
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Indianapolis
Posts: 4,539

1. Name: Maria
2. Age: 27
3. Birthday: 9/3/77
4.Where do you live: Indiana
5. Where else have you lived: this is home! been here all my life
6. Zodiac Sign: Virgo
7. What school do you go to: school of life!
8. Nicknames: mom
9. Shoe size: 8 1/2
10. Hair color: brown/blonde
11. Ever died your hair: yes, once. Never again. Did a BRIGHT blonde when I was 15
12. Hair length: long and curly
13. Eye color: blue
14. Height: 5-3
15. Have any pets: a dog and a kid
16. Siblings: I'm the lonely only.
17. What do you fear most in the world: Dying young and leaving my child motherless
18. If you could do anything without consequences, what would it be: dunno
19. Do you have braces: no
20. Do you have glasses: reading glasses

Three things I am wearing.
Thats a little personal this time of the morning....

Three things on the desk.
1) printer/copier/scanner/fax
2) candles
3) crystal ball

Three things I would like to do before I die.
1) see all 50 states
2) se my great grandchildren
3) shop on Rodeo Drive

Three good ways to describe my personality.
1) somewhat sarcastic
2) low key
3) empathetic

Three bad things about my personality.
1) overly sensitive
2) self critical
3) sometimes a do-it-my-way-or-no-way... that kinda sucks

Three things most people do not know about me.
1) that I post on this message board
2) ...
3) ...

Three things I say the most.
1) TMI... too much information
2) go you non driving son-of-a-bitch
3) live and let live

Three places I want to go.
1) California
2) Alaska
3) England
"How much does the world weigh? Ask a single mother..."
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