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Old 09-04-2004, 07:48 PM
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Originally Posted by 77Rumours77
I know there are bad boots out there, but I don't think I have ever seen a C- or below like a D or F.
Anybody know of some?
Grading scales are subjective, but there are several noteworthily crappy audience recordings, as far as I'm concerned:

Milwaukee 6.24.76
Seattle 9.03.77
Cleveland 8.26.78
Philadelphia 11.21.79 ("Live Ivory")
Vancouver 5.02.80
Cologne 6.04.80
Detroit 9.19.82
Dallas 11.29.81
Landover 7.07.83 (audience tape, not the videotape audio)
Los Angeles 10.02.83
Charlotte 11.23.83

I think the worst are "Live Ivory" (11.21.79) & Landover (7.07.83). People who grade those anywhere above a "D" are bunco artists. A lot of tapes -- Alpine Valley 10.10.82, for example -- sound great on some copies & bad on others because generational loss has affected some & dioxide tape decay has affected others. If you trade for tapes, the idea is to find people who got their copy of something as close as possible to the actual date/recording of the show. Don't hesitate to ask the person you're trading with, "Did you get your copy of the Tempe '82 show around the time of the Mirage Tour?"
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