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Old 05-16-2004, 09:11 PM
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Janis_no1 Janis_no1 is offline
Addicted Ledgie
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Australia
Posts: 1,156
Unhappy oh oh

Originally Posted by gypsydreamer1
Wonder why the site was password protected? Do you give out all your passwords! I took down the passowrd protect anyway but Im so unhappy that people can not RESPECT my wishes and reasons to why my site was password protected,if I want everyone to have the password I would have posted it on my site,HELL i would not password protected it at all! This is just RUDE!

Dreams, im sorry that i have upset you, but i did give this password out as to my foolish mind it made sense to. You had said on your website that someone had come in and stolen you webspace, therefore anyone who from then on wanted to download the music had to go the extra effort to fill in there email address and you would send them a password. I understood this was to steer the thieves away. Now to me only the true fans are on this ledge and therefore are the very people you want to share your music with so the password protection didn't apply and i would believe that those thieves wouldn't also be on this page.

Im wrong...
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