Thread: Presale chaos!
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Old 03-25-2004, 07:05 PM
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Belladreamer Belladreamer is offline
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 60

I am sorry I did not want to scare anyone.

I figured that is just my kind of luck I am taking my little brother to a concert for the first time and I want it to be a really great evening with great seats!

I just have really lost faith in this club. We do have our conformation numbers so I think we should be ok. I have worked in customer service and have for many year worked as an event planner. It amazes me the bad set-up Fleetwood Mac has with this club management and its service!

But it seems to be a trade.... For example... non fan club related...

I spent big bucks to see Stevie at the AHI three times (98,00,01) each time it was the most chaio I have ever seen in an event . I just kept thinking "Oh it will be much better this year surely they won't make the same mistakes'' But yet they did. The bad thing was it could have put Stevie in an unsafe posistion and they had many uphappy fans. I did not go last year. I finially learned my lesson on that one.

It is just to bad!

I do however still love this band.

And the summer became the fall
I was not ready for the winter
It makes no difference at all
'Cause I wear boots all summer long
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