Thread: The doc!!!
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Old 03-22-2004, 09:48 AM
CarneVaca CarneVaca is offline
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Originally posted by Johnny Stew
A song that makes me feel something emotionally, is always going to win out in my book.
As much as it pains me to agree, you're on to something there.

And who knows exactly why the Smithsonian picked "Go Your Own Way" over any number of other Mac songs, but I thought we agreed a while back that critical approval only means so much, given that it's just another opinion, much like our own.
"GYOW" isn't even the best example of all that Lindsey has to offer.
Well, this isn't mere critical approval. These songs were selected by people who aren't mere critics. And that makes a difference.

Lindsey has done better stuff than Go Your Own Way, but, man, that song has stood the test of time and it never gets tired.
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