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Old 02-19-2004, 09:49 AM
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Originally posted by CarneVaca
I almost want to laugh at these statements, but unfortunately there are still enough people out there who believe this nonsense.

But let's keep something in perspective here. Mel Gibson is coming across as a real fanatic these days, what with the anti-Vatican II talk and the wide-eyed glazy gaze, but can we hold him responsible for what his 83-year-old father says? I think not.
I agree his father is his own man. But, did you see that interview with, I think, Diane Sawyer. I was like WTF - he looks crazy as a loon He has always been a little fanatical, but to say his wife is going to hell or at least cannot get into heaven because she is not a Catholic Do people really still think this way, esp. since Protestantism was created to rememdy the corruption of the old Catholic Church?

I would like to see the movie, but apparently it is full of gore (not AL ) and is very, very violent. I do not handle those two things very well, esp. when it is a "real story" like this as opposed to something like Lord of the Rings, which is fantasy, etc. I may rent it when it comes out on DVD so I can take it in small doses

Finally, most people who have seen it and commented on it have said it is not anti-sementic. I think the fear is the film is so violent that it will again raise the spectre of Jews being persecuted as "Christ killers" - which is a sad thing.

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