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Old 01-22-2004, 07:19 PM
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Addicted Ledgie
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Unhappy Let Us Now Take Time To Mourn the Loss...

...of Bennifer. I know it's going to be hard to get over this split, but I am certain we will all persevere. It may take lots of strength to emerge from your beds in the morning, but I have faith in us all.

And now, the end is here;
And so we face the last tabloid story.
My friends, I’ll say it clear,
I'll mourn this loss, of which I’m certain.

They shared a life that was full.
They bombed every movie theatre;
But more, much more than this,
They did it the Bennifer way.

Regrets, they have none for you;
But then again, no reason for a Gigli mention.
They did what they had to do
And saw it through with low box office...estimations.

They planned each charted course;
Each careful step along California thruway,
But more, much more than this,
They did it the celebrity way.

Yes, there were times, I’m sure you knew
When Affleck shot down J. Ho's diva-tude.
But through it all, when there was doubt,
They ate it up and spit it out.
They faced it all and but never stood very tall;
They did it their way.

We've loved, we've laughed and cried.
We've had our fill; our share of heckling.
And now, as that ugly match-up subsides,
We find it all so amusing.

To think they didn't do much at all;
Except cheat us out of money,
No, oh no not them,
They did it the Hollywood way.


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