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Old 01-20-2004, 02:47 AM
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Exclamation LMAO!!

Don't get me started on Claymates, Claymania...etc. They are some strange peeps. I voted for Clay some in season 2, but now, I'm repulsed by him just from some articles I've read. *Shudder*

I don't understand the whole "you must write music to be talented" crap either. Elvis, Frank, and others out there never wrote a lick, but they will ALWAYS be BIGGER than life.

Season one will ALWAYS be the best because those people didn't know WHAT to expect or how things would turn out...but the seasons after, everyone knows what's going on and most are out to just get on TV.

Marissa, I've been bashed countless times for my Justin's all good. Not everyone will like Justin, and same with Kelly, Clay, Ruben, etc. I've stuck with him since Day one and can't wait to see what's next for him!

I didn't see anyone tonight that blew me away, of course, 99% of the singers sucked. LOL
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