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Lindsey Buckingham will miss Christine McVie, his Fleetwood Mac ‘soul mate’ and ‘sister’
Woman in black sweater and jeans and man in black leather jacket and jeans, carrying electric guitar, sit on leather couch
Lindsey Buckingham shared a tribute to his former Fleetwood Mac colleague Christine McVie on Thursday.(Liz O. Baylen / Los Angeles Times)
DEC. 1, 2022 6:32 PM PT
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A day after his former Fleetwood Mac band mate Christine McVie died at 79, Lindsey Buckingham says he will miss his “soul mate” and “musical comrade.”

“Christine McVie’s sudden passing is profoundly heartbreaking,” Buckingham wrote in a handwritten note shared on his Instagram Thursday. “Not only were she and I part of the magical family of Fleetwood Mac, to me Christine was a musical comrade, a friend, a soul mate, a sister. For over four decades, we helped each other create a beautiful body of work and a lasting legacy that continues to resonate today.”

McVie, a British vocalist and keyboardist, died Wednesday after experiencing “a short illness,” her family announced.

This is a photo of Christine McVie, a member of the musical group Fleetwood Mac, in Feb. 1983. (AP Photo)

In a band of tempestuous geniuses, Christine McVie was every bit their equal, minus the drama
Nov. 30, 2022

Buckingham, 73, was Fleetwood Mac’s lead guitarist and one of its main vocalists and songwriters before he was fired in a high-profile controversy in 2018. Beginning in 1975, he was a core member of the group, alongside McVie, Stevie Nicks, drummer Mick Fleetwood and bassist John McVie, to whom Christine was once married.

After a 16-year break in which she lived a solitary life in rural England, Christine McVie rejoined Fleetwood Mac for a reunion tour in 2014 and had performed with the band in recent years.


McVie and Buckingham teamed up in Los Angeles to record an album, 2017’s “Lindsey Buckingham Christine McVie.”

Man in black blazer and woman in black leather jacket sit in front of music studio sound mixing board.
Christine McVie and Lindsey Buckingham during a recording session at the Village Recorder studios in Santa Monica in 2016.(Michael Robinson Chavez / Los Angeles Times)
Although the two had written songs together as members of Fleetwood Mac, they had never produced tracks as a duo.

“We’ve always written well together, Lindsey and I, and this has just spiraled into something really amazing that we’ve done between us,” McVie told The Times in 2017 during an interview at the Village Studio’s Studio D in West Los Angeles.

“All these years we’ve had this rapport, but we’d never really thought about doing a duet album before,” Buckingham added. “There is that album that I did with Stevie back before we joined the band, but other than that, it’s all been Fleetwood Mac or solo.”

A group of people smiling and posing with their arms around each other in a line

Fleetwood Mac honors ‘one-of-a-kind’ Christine McVie: ‘Talented beyond measure’
Nov. 30, 2022

On the day of McVie’s death, other band mates had written tributes, including notes from Nicks and Mick Fleetwood.

“This is a day where my deer sweet Friend Christine McVie has taken to flight... and left us earthbound folks to listen with bated breath to the sounds of that ‘song bird’ ... reminding one and all that love is all around us to reach for and touch in this precious life that is gifted to us,” Fleetwood wrote on Instagram. “Part of my heart has flown away today. I will miss everything about you Christine McVie. Memories abound.. they fly to me.”

Lindsey Buckingham and Christine McVie in 2014 at West L.A.'s Village Studios.

Fleetwood Mac’s Christine McVie and Lindsey Buckingham talk about making their first duet album
Jan. 13, 2017

In a handwritten letter shared on social media, Nicks revealed that she did not know McVie was sick “until late Saturday night.” Nicks then attempted to travel to London to see McVie, but was “told to wait.”

“A few hours ago I was told that my best friend in the whole world since the first day of 1975, had passed away,” Nicks wrote. Her message concluded with lyrics from the Haim song “Hallelujah.”

Buckingham followed a day later with his own note.

“I feel very lucky to have known her,” he wrote. “Though she will be deeply missed, her spirit will live on through that body of work and that legacy.”

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Jonah Valdez
Jonah Valdez is a reporter at the Los Angeles Times. Before joining The Times as a member of the 2021-22 Los Angeles Times Fellowship class, he worked for the Southern California News Group, where he covered breaking news and wrote award-winning feature stories on topics such as mass shootings, labor and human trafficking, and movements for racial justice. Valdez was raised in San Diego and attended La Sierra University in Riverside, where he edited the campus newspaper. Before graduating, Valdez interned at his hometown paper, the San Diego Union-Tribune, with its Watchdog investigations team. His previous work can be found in Voice of San Diego and the San Diego Reader. When not working, Valdez finds joy in writing and reading poetry, running, thrifting and experiencing food and music with friends and family.
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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