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Old 12-06-2003, 03:13 PM
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Default Re: Very random & very long.

Wow, excellent post, Gaius!
Many of the points you made are the exact reason I tell non Mac-fans that if they'd just get over the prejudice that Fleetwood Mac is some outdated pop band, they'd realize that there truly is something for just about everyone in this band's catalogue.

It's another reason I don't get into the bashing that sometimes occurs, and why I don't like to pit Stevie & Lindsey against each other, or Christine.
It's no secret that I have a preference towards Stevie, but there's so much to love about Christine & Lindsey too. And as a group, they're damn-near unstoppable.

A few comments on your post....
I can see why you, and anyone, would feel that Lindsey's music is the most diverse within Fleetwood Mac.
I tend to think sometimes that he's too self-conscious in his attempts at diversity though, but that's ok.
I've told my friend Anne that she's "self-consciously non-conformist," and sometimes that seems to fit Lindsey too.
Individuality is a VERY good thing, but it's always best when it's not forced or over-thought.

Stevie was once quoted as saying (I'm paraphrasing here), "If you tell Lindsey something he's working on sounds similar to something he's done before, he'll tear it apart and go in a completely different direction."

I love that Lindsey has an offbeat approach to making music... in fact, I don't think you can be a Buckingham fan without having an appreciation for that aspect of his creativity... but I've always felt that production touches... even the most avant-garde ones... should be done to benefit the song. Not just for the sake of being different.
Originally posted by face of glass
“Say Goodbye” could easily be “When I See You Again (Lindsey’s version)”... A perfect object of worship for the Buckingham/Nicks romantics. FM did this with “WISYA” earlier; a very simple arrangement, focusing on Stevie’s voice, just contributes to the drama. And then there’s Lindsey’s vocals that sound very distant during the fade-out. So why not do it again with “Say Goodbye”? That’s what the romantics want and that’s obviously what Johnny Stew wants. After all, JS, we know that “When I See You Again” is still your favourite Stevie song and it’s the simplicity of it all that does it for you.
Not sure if you have this misconception or not, but I just wanted to clear it up in case you did... I'm not a Lindsey & Stevie Romantic.
I think the mercurial nature of their relationship has made for some great music and performances, and for that reason I dig it... but I'm not hoping they someday get together, or wondering if they're carrying on a clandestine affair.

Not that there's anything wrong with the folks who do that... we all need a little romance in our lives, after all!

Also, "When I See You Again" isn't my "favorite" song... though I can see why people might think that!
It is definitely in the Top Five though.

Even still, that wasn't the song I had in mind when talking about "Say Goodbye." I was thinking more along the lines of "Never Going Back Again." Something that could give the vocal melody and harmonies room to breathe.

Again, terrific post, Gaius! VERY insightful, and a must-read.

(By the way, you might be surprised to know that one of my favorite L.B. songs has always been "The Ledge." )
"Although the arrogance of fame lingers like a thick cloud around the famous, the sun always seems to shine for Stevie." -- Richard Dashut, 2014

Last edited by Johnny Stew; 12-06-2003 at 03:15 PM..
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