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Old 01-06-2021, 08:12 PM
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HomerMcvie HomerMcvie is offline
Addicted Ledgie
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Originally Posted by bwboy View Post
Christine’s 1984 album is one of my secret treasures. And her work in FM has consistently been my favorite. There are many Lindsey and Stevie songs I love, but there are also some Lindsey and Stevie songs I hate, so using that unorthodox formula, that makes Christine my favorite member, musically. She is consistent! But I simply could not get into her album In the Meantime, as much as I wanted to like it.

I didn’t care for Law and Order, although a funny story about that album- my mom was looking through my record collection after she saw an interview with Tipper Gore, who was railing against the music industry at the time, and she yelled at me for having pornography in the house because of the picture of the woman on the back cover of Law and Order! Pretty crazy, and ironic too, as I was gay and had no interest in the woman pictured, though I was plenty interested in Lindsey! Out of the Cradle is my favorite Lindsey album.
Christine is by far the most consistent. What was it Dick said, 'Christine never stops coming up with ways to tell us that she loves us'? (or something like that) I love In The Meantime, but not nearly as much as 1984.

I can't explain why I love Law and Order so much, other than we were pretty much straight out of Tusk, and it's quirkiness is what worked for me. Which is pretty weird(), because I'm typically not a fan of quirky(see:Christine). Law and Order is freaky deaky at it's finest. When I used to have FM pool party weekends, I turned all these girls onto Johnny Stew. They'd NEVER heard it! And they loved it!

You know, it's weird, I never really thought Lindsey was very attractive. I mean, I look back now at pics from back in the day, and realize that he was very handsome, but it just never struck me that way back then. Probably that Eraserhead hair!

Speaking of which, a friend had recently told me to watch all the behind the scenes stuff on Youtube of the making of "We Are The World". He looks like a god damned freak with that stupid Eraserhead do! I mean, all the rest of them look fairly normal...but not Lindsey!
Christine McVie- she radiated both purity and sass in equal measure, bringing light to the music of the 70s. RIP. - John Taylor(Duran Duran)
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