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Old 12-09-2020, 05:18 AM
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Default photoshoot?

Where can i find the MC photoshoot?
Originally Posted by SteveMacD View Post
I just quoted the points I had an issue with.

I don’t think that’s weird or revealing at all. In fact, thinking it’s weird or revealing ignores their history. If Mick wanted to put Buckingham Nicks in the band after hearing the guitar solo to “Frozen Love,” how is it weird or revealing that he’d want a legendary Hall of Fame guitarist who had a long history with Stevie, having been involved in some fashion on all her solo albums, and who even co-wrote a Fleetwood Mac song?!? Fleetwood Mac needed a world class guitarist, Tom Petty had just died...Pretty obvious.

Justifying lies? Rationalizing behavior? At worst, Mick was being political. It’s just a band, Mick’s band at that, and it was easy to see this coming a mile away. If they didn’t want to work with him, so be it. Lindsey’s hardly the first guy to get sacked from a rock band. J. Geils got fired from the J. Geils Band.

I thought Lindsey was in trouble in June, 2017, with his Classic comments, so I guess I wasn’t especially shocked. I also saw trouble brewing when Mick and Stevie met in Italy and listened to what was obvious to me an intention to revisit earlier material, while Lindsey was talking up a new solo album.

The one fact both sides agree on is that the tour negotiations were brutal. Maybe they decided to fire him during the negotiations, maybe there was still lingering bitterness during MusiCares and something set it off, but it was obviously a miserable time for them (see the photo shoot). However, and this is the key point, I don’t think any of them went into negotiations with the intention of firing Lindsey. I don’t think there was a grand conspiracy. I think they simply got sick of dealing with it.

And, I don’t especially feel sorry for Lindsey. I get that it was awful for him, but in the grand scheme of life, he’s still a rock legend worth tens of millions, still able to make and play music for a solid fanbase, and has a happy family life. What exactly did he lose?

The gist of the call was to convey to Mike that Lindsey was out of the band and that the job was his for the taking. Regardless of how it was phrased, Lindsey would still have been out of the band and Mike would still have taken the gig. Mike also says he’s still on board for whatever whenever (if ever) they get back together. Mike knows Stevie and Lindsey. I’m sure he wasn’t surprised at the breakdown (no pun intended).
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